
Easter market

奧地利除咗有Xmas market, 復活節Easter market.

喺維也納我覺得最Easter marketFreyung

Besides Xmas markets, there are also Easter markets in Austria.  In my opinion, the one in Freyung is the most beautiful Easter market in the city.

等我帶大家睇睇. Let's go and see.

Easter tree, 奧地利人興咁樣掛復活蛋.

There is an Easter tree.  It is Austrian custom to hang Easter eggs like this.

兔仔/ rabbits

復活蛋/ gaint Easter egg as a decoration

檔口/ some stalls


Why do I think it is the most beautiful?  It is all because of this stall in the middle selling Easter eggs.  It is so colorful.


And most of the Easter eggs were made of real eggs.

附近am Hof都有一Easter market, 但係冇咁吸引.

There is another one in am Hof.  But it is not that attractive.

如果復活節後想復活蛋,就要 Salzburg先有喇.

If you want to buy Easter eggs after Easter, you can go to Salzburg.  There is a shop selling Easter eggs all year round.


BTW, besides chocolate Easter eggs, you can find dyed eggs as well in the supermarkets.


