第一次去奈良時是十六七年前,我還未是自由行旅客,當時跟團。舊年重遊舊地refresh了我對這個城市的記憶。這次我到了興福寺和東大寺。 在去東大寺途中,我買了鹿仙貝(鹿せんべい, 150yen)餵鹿。牠們是非常aggressive。牠們會用角頂你。在東大寺一帶行路要帶眼,那裡處處鹿屎陣。
Take the above as an example. We use comma and then dot. But in Austrian, they have the other way round, dot first, then comma
Once, I have sent a parcel from HK to Vienna. I have written the numbers in HK style. However, the postman who has delivered the parcel says he cannot read my writing and has gone to the wrong house.