睇完老爺車跟住去咗Vienna Harley Days.
After visiting the old-timers exhibition, I went to another event, Vienna Harley Days.
I don't know why I like the bikes and merchandises of Harley Davidson but I never own one.
呢度有個舞台/ a stage
有啲檔口. 好多T-shirts
some booths selling T-shirts
呢檔有BB衫/ baby clothes
口水肩/ bibs
寵物用品/ pet accesssories
呢個活動喺呢日有維也納首次嘅Harley Davidson parade,會駛到市中心. 啲車排晒喺度準備. 我做咗個決定錯過咗個巡遊.
There was a Harley Davidson parade to the city centre. They were queuing up here. However I made a wrong decision and missed the programme.
見時間尚早,返屋企先. 經過 Prater,冇 5.1嗰日咁多人.
As there was still enough time, I decided to go home first. I passed throught Prater but there were not as many people as on May 1.
Oh, a big Simpsons
喺屋企hea完,出到市中心, 啲路解封咗lu. 咁即係巡遊完咗啦. 又走雞. 於是又行吓農產品展銷會. 見到呢個大心,用好多細Torte砌架,用黎慶祝母親節.
After having a rest at home, I went out again. The streets in the centre were opened again for traffic. That meant the parade was over. I missed it. So I went to the farmer market again and saw this big heart for mothers' day. It was made of a lot of small tortes (cakes).
May 14, 2009 11:56 PM
Where is your harley?
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噢!地利 Oh!tria
噢!地利 Oh!tria
May 15, 2009 3:54 AM
still in the shop
May 13, 2009 1:26 AM
有無買起 Simpsons 回家?
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噢!地利 Oh!tria
噢!地利 Oh!tria
May 13, 2009 3:04 AM
冇呀 , 攤位遊戲 啲公仔好難攞 嘅
May 12, 2009 3:08 AM
Harley好型仔呀~ 成日覺得一定要係長頭髮肥叔叔開先襯
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噢!地利 Oh!tria
噢!地利 Oh!tria
May 12, 2009 3:57 AM
咁即係唔啱我呢 啲 靚仔
May 11, 2009 1:54 PM
Simpsons 俾人吊死左呀!
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噢!地利 Oh!tria
噢!地利 Oh!tria
May 11, 2009 2:13 PM
May 11, 2009 11:47 AM
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噢!地利 Oh!tria
噢!地利 Oh!tria
May 11, 2009 2:14 PM
May 11, 2009 5:41 AM
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噢!地利 Oh!tria
噢!地利 Oh!tria
May 11, 2009 5:53 AM
好香 朱古力 味添呀