之前講過轉機唔想時間太趕. 人趕得到件行李都未必趕到. 回程(Jan 13)俾咗兩個鐘佢件行李都係趕唔到.
I have said that I don't
want to be in a hurry to catch the transit flight. If you can make it,
your luggage may not be able to catch the flight. I gave two hours for
my transit flight but my luggage still couldn't make it.
佢服務又差. 佢應該知邊個件行李冇跟上機. 落機時冇人通知,仲要喺baggage claim度呆等廿分鐘.
Their services were also
poor. For sure, they knew which luggages could not get to the flight.
When I got off the plane, there was no notice. I even waited in the
baggage claim for 20 minutes.
辦手續時佢話第日(Jan 14)
When I reported of my
missing luggage, the guy said they would deliver it next day, Jan 14.
But I only got it today, Jan 15. They will get my complaint because of
these services.
btw落機時維也納係零下7度都未有雪. 第日(Jan 14)終於落得出.
BTW when I arrived, it was -7C in Vienna. But no snow. On the next day, Jan 14, finally it snowed.
Snow in my neightbourhood