

我覺得奧地利同德國好似兩兄弟. 習俗呀,娛樂呀好多嘢都一樣. 係都有啲嘢係唔同. 好似以下呢
嘉年華奧地利人會喺屋企開party. 科隆人好多會喺外邊慶祝.


Design Post另起爐灶

 科隆國際家具展期間,附近Design Post另起爐灶,家具展但係細好多,最緊要係免費入場.

航空公司請參考/good idea for airlines

If any airlines face financial difficulties, they can sell...

家具展嘅創意設計(連環圖)/creative designs too

Two 'handsome' men arranged the sofa bed non-stop

家具展嘅創意設計/ creative designs in the furniture exhibition

CD rack that can be folded into a board


(picture taken in Cityplaza, Taikoo)
維也納農曆年真係冇乜嘢好介紹. 係每年有中樂團表演,當然唔係免費.
There is nothing to introduce to you all about the lunar new year in Vienna.  There is only an annual

都唔知係咪種族歧視/racial discrimination?

我今次係搭火車去科隆. 喺網上訂. 張飛print出黎係有名. 喺奧地利查飛冇問題. 一喺德國查飛要睇passport. 佢點解, 佢話因為張飛有名. 有冇人聽過搭火車要對名? 諗我喺counter買飛, 張飛唔會有名, 咁你對乜吖? 多舊魚!!


imm 科隆國際家具展

 蹤成個幾禮拜其實去科隆睇每年一度國際家具 imm
I was gone missing for more than a week because I was in Cologne visiting an international furniture exhibition, imm.



旅遊展/ Travel Exhibition (Part 2)

I have been disappeared because I'm in Cologne right now.  I'll update my blog later.
Now let me post some more of the pics from the recent Travel Exhibition in Vienna.


Luxus Motor Show

Together with the Ferienmesse (Travel Exhibition), there is a Luxus Motor Show.
I prefer the Old Timers.

旅遊展/ Travel exhibition (Part 1)

每年一維也納旅遊展噚日揭幕. 奧地利隔離左右嘅國家嘅攤位超大.
The annual Ferienmesse (Travel Exhibition) started yesterday.  The booths of Austrian neightbour countries were so big.


唔想發生都係發生咗/ it still happened

之前講過轉機唔想時間太趕. 人趕得到件行李都未必趕到. 回程(Jan 13)俾咗兩個鐘佢行李都係趕唔到.
I have said that I don't want to be in a hurry to catch the transit flight.  If you can make it, your luggage may not be able to catch the flight.  I gave two hours for my transit flight but my luggage still couldn't make it.
佢服務又差. 佢應該知邊個行李冇跟上. 落機時冇人通知,仲要baggage claim度呆等廿分鐘.
Their services were also poor.  For sure, they knew which luggages could not get to the flight.  When I got off the plane, there was no notice.  I even waited in the baggage claim for 20 minutes.
辦手續時佢話第日(Jan 14)會送到屋企,點知要今日先送到. 服務, 佢一定會收到嘅投訴信!
When I reported of my missing luggage, the guy said they would deliver it next day, Jan 14.  But I only got it today, Jan 15.  They will get my complaint because of these services.
btw落機時維也納係零下7度都未有雪. 第日(Jan 14)終於落得出.
BTW when I arrived, it was -7C in Vienna.  But no snow.  On the next day, Jan 14, finally it snowed.
Snow in my neightbourhood

港燦遊香港( Day 12 深水埗&Shopping mall篇)

Day 12去咗深水埗探親戚. 佢住嗰附近好多都重建咗. 唔知幾時到. 今次要影番啲相做紀念. 板間房越越小喇.
Day 12 I visited my relative in Sham Shui Po.  Her neightbourhood has been re-developed.  You never know when will be her turn.  This time I had to take some pictures for memory.  This kind of apartment with wooden cubicles are fewer and fewer in HK.

港燦遊香港( Day 11 Shopping mall篇)

Day 11去行又一城. 以前耐唔耐都黎行, 今次就冇乜興趣. 可能之前行咗旺角, 銅鑼灣, 尖沙咀. 要行頭已經去咗.
Day 11 I went to Festival Walk.  I sometimes came here in the past.  This time I was not interested.  Maybe I had been to Mongkok, Causeway Bay, Tsim Sha Tsui and had visited the shops that I wanted to see.


港燦遊香港( Day 10全’日’生活篇)

I had a bread from Arome Bakery in the morning.  It didn't taste good.

港燦遊香港( Day 9 MK again篇)

Day 9 又去旺角, 食串街邊燒賣先.
I went to Mongkok again on day 9.  Let me eat siumai first.


港燦遊香港( Day 8懷舊篇)

Day 8去番以前返工成日出入地方. 第一度去新世紀廣場, 佢哋準備緊崖上的波兒展覽.
Day 8 I went to the areas that I used to work.  First going to Grand Century Place, they were preparing for the exhibition of a new animation崖上的波兒.


港燦遊香港( Day 7仍然shopping篇)

Day 7仍然係shopping, Mega Box. 佢實在好隔涉, shuttle bus我都覺得唔方便.
Day 7 was still a shopping day, I went to Mega Box.  It was located in a remote area. Even with shuttle bus, I still felt it was not convenient.


港燦遊香港(day 5 mainly shopping篇- 拍吐)

Citysuper美國版可樂(中間支係英國可樂, Circle K)
I bought two cans of coke, American edition, in Citysuper (the middle one was British edition, I got it in Circle K)

港燦遊香港(day 5 mainly shopping篇- 拍溫)

呢日去銀行搞啲嘢, 遇上有人喺銀行抗議.
I went to the bank to manage some personal businesses and I met these people demonstrate in front of the bank.


港燦遊香港/ Hongkongese travelling in HK (HK Day 4)

朋友去馬場. 見面之前自己去Mos Burger食賣飛彿 rice burger.
I had a date with my friend in the racecourse.  Before going there, I went to Mos Burger to have my favourite rice burger.

結婚/ Marriage (HK Day 3)

唔好恭喜我, 我係做兄弟咋.
No need to congratulate. I was only one of the bestmen.

香港婚禮都幾特別. 架新娘車會掛公仔. 喺奧地利唔覺有人咁做.
Hong Kong wedding is special.  People hang a pair of stuffed dolls in the front of the car.  I have not seen any people doing this in Austria.

Lunch就同兄弟, 姊妹, 屋企人去飲茶. 好多點心. 酒樓附近有一間出名雞蛋仔, 一底. 非常滿足.
We went with the bestmen, bridemaids, family members to have Dim Sum for lunch.  I had a lot.  There was a famous store selling egg shaped waffles near the restaurant.  I had a pack and felt satisfied. 

夜晚當然有廣東菜啦! 驚喜: 居然有特別版可樂.
Of course, we had Cantonese cuisine for dinner! Surprise: a special edition of Coke.


港燦遊香港(Day 2 @ Disneyland 4)

 The parade was not …..special.  They just used the old floats decorated with Christmas ornament.

 I left at 4 pm and went to Mongkok.