第一次用巴黎Charles de Gaulle Airport. 維也納到巴黎係喺Terminal D. 巴黎去香港係喺Terminal E. Terminal D同Terminal E隔好遠. 而Terminal D比我感覺好暗.
Terminal D最特別係由外面可以睇到Baggage Claim嘅情況.
It was the first time I had visited Charles de Gaulle Airport. When traveling from Vienna to Paris , we arrived in Terminal D. For Paris to Hong Kong , it was in Terminal E. Terminal D and Terminal E were far apart. Terminal
D gave me the impression that it was dark. The special thing I found in
Terminal D was that you could see from outside into the Baggage Claim
Terminal E嘅check in area都好暗. 但係當過咗immigration, 情況完全唔, 佈滿名店,非常光猛.
The check in area in Terminal E was also dark. But after passing the immigration, it was a different world. There were a lot of designer brands shops. It was bright.
維也納去巴黎嗰程好cheap,三明治都冇. 喺Terminal E買咗呢啲嘢醫醫肚. 仲有十幾個鐘就可以喺香港食葡撻, 但係都受唔住誘惑, 用2.20 euro買咗一件.
The journey from Vienna to Paris provide low budget services, there were no sandwiches. So in Terminal E I bought these to eat. Even
though I could eat Portuguese tarts in HK after about 10 hours, I could
not resist the temptation and spent 2.20 euro for one piece.
Free battery charging
Free TV games
喺機上係冇倒數架. 只係巴黎時間零時機長廣播祝大家新年快樂.
There was no countdown on the flight. The pilot only made an announcement to wish everyone a Happy New Year.
回覆刪除a za a za
Jan 6, 2009 12:55 AM
西非的 lagos 機場都有免費叉電機供應,
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Jan 3, 2009 10:34 PM
Have a nice trip in HK!
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噢!地利 Oh!tria
噢!地利 Oh!tria
Jan 4, 2009 9:44 AM
Thank you.
Jan 3, 2009 5:19 PM
oh, welcome back to hk.
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噢!地利 Oh!tria
噢!地利 Oh!tria
Jan 4, 2009 9:43 AM
Thank you.
Jan 3, 2009 1:48 AM
Then i wish you HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!! Happy now?? Anyway, wish you a pleasant time in HK?? Eat lots of Dim Sum for me ok?
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噢!地利 Oh!tria
噢!地利 Oh!tria
Jan 3, 2009 6:25 AM
Thank you. I'm happy now. I will try my best to eat your portion of Dim Sum. Sounds like you also like eating Dim Sum, right?