
港燦遊香港(day 5 mainly shopping篇- 拍溫)

呢日去銀行搞啲嘢, 遇上有人喺銀行抗議.
I went to the bank to manage some personal businesses and I met these people demonstrate in front of the bank.
The Christmas tree was still in Central.
Lunch time就去賓記快餐食至愛菲律賓米粉bihon noodles with palabok sauce.
I went to the Filipino fast food to have my favourite bihon noodles (some kind of rice noodles) with palabok sauce for lunch.

跟住去灣仔會展Design Gallery見到Simpsonsfigures唔使諗即刻買.
Then I went to the Design Gallery in the Convention Centre. I saw these Simpsons figures and I bought them without any hesitation.

仲買啲嘢, Design Gallery嘅嘢HK design, 最好用黎做手信. 兩隻豬係買定做2010年新年禮物. 大家記唔記奧地利新年吉祥物呢?
Also I bought these stuffs.  The things in Design Gallery are all HK design.  It is a good souvenir idea.  Those two pigs are gifts for my friends for new year 2010.  Do you still remember which are the symbols of good luck in new year in Austria?

然後行去和昌大押, 以為可以上去參觀, 原來上面係餐廳, 冇得參觀.
Then I walked to this pawn building.  I thought I could go up to visit.  But it was a restaurant, I could not go.

度隔離有間泰昌餅家, 蛋撻我唔鍾意食, 於是買馬豆糕同桂花糕, 好韌, 好似橡皮糖咁, 冇下次.
Next to the building is this bakery.  I don't like the egg tarts from this bakery. So I bought one yellow bean pudding and one Osmanthus pudding.  They were as chewy as gum.  I will not buy again.

再繼續行, 去太源街買玩具, 三隻Little Taps同埋
I continued further down and went to Tai Yuen Street to buy toys.  I bought these three different Little Taps and...

呢個騎呢玩具. 好多人都鍾意唧爆bubble wrap, 呢個玩具你可以成日玩喇.
this funny toy.  Many people like bursting bubble wraps.  With this toy, you can burst all day long.

下午茶時間去大快活食紅豆冰 (個人偏好, 食紅豆冰只去大家樂).
Tea time! I had iced red bean drink in Fairwood. (My habbit: I only drink this in this fast
food chains)

食完就去買老翻CD, 但係CD唔係好updated. 最後買兩個歐洲歌手CD.
After drinking, I went to buy some pirated CDs.  However the CDs were not updated.  At the end I only bought these two CDs from these European singers.
跟住去Citysuper, 好多騎呢. 留番下篇blog介紹.
Then I went to Citysuper (a supermarket) and bought many funny things.  I will introduce them in my next blog.

1 則留言:

  1. 笨拙OL
    Jan 10, 2009 3:13 AM

    冇加價喎! 我當初抽就$35, 唔抽就$60
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    噢!地利 Oh!tria
    噢!地利 Oh!tria
    Jan 10, 2009 11:22 PM

    Little Miss Sunshine

    Little Miss Sunshine
    Jan 10, 2009 1:33 AM

    去和昌大押果間The Pawn飲野 (2樓) 真係幾好feel 架, 又唔係好貴...
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    噢!地利 Oh!tria
    噢!地利 Oh!tria
    Jan 10, 2009 1:45 AM


    Jan 9, 2009 1:51 AM

    我當初都可以唔抽, 而俾多D錢去要一隻自己想要的, 但我決定賭下手氣.
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    噢!地利 Oh!tria
    噢!地利 Oh!tria
    Jan 9, 2009 9:34 AM


    Jan 8, 2009 10:22 PM

    使唔使去總行攪手續呀? 個 唧爆 啲 bubble wrap 賣幾錢?
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    噢!地利 Oh!tria
    噢!地利 Oh!tria
    Jan 8, 2009 10:54 PM
    I like going to the head office. There are fewer people waiting. The toy costed $29.


    Jan 8, 2009 7:36 AM

    你記住買榮華臘腸返歐洲 (我每次都帶), 恆香杏仁餅 (當chinese cookies 咁送比fd, 蛋卷都好, 但太大罐), 仲有茶葉, 湯包等.... 我諗你都會好似搬屋咁搬好多野架啦.... 仲有入多d中國pattern的東西比鬼鬼fds, 佢地好like的 , 尤其是cushion cover, 筷子咁 我上次送左件係女人街買左件兩面著的唐衫送比個伊朗fd, 佢勁開心... 勁感激.... 我發現山頂d檔賣d hk souvenirs比較名碼實價 我上次帶個鬼鬼fd行女人街, 係一個檔到問完價, 講左一聲貴, 比個操鄉音的女人駡我 (係問候式果種)... 女人街d價比山頂貴, 仲要講價, no good!
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    噢!地利 Oh!tria
    噢!地利 Oh!tria
    Jan 8, 2009 9:38 AM
    榮華臘腸已有. chinese cookies一定會買...我買咗中國pattern的tissue box cover.


    Jan 7, 2009 11:58 PM

    咁你 唧爆 啲 bubble wrap的時候係咪笑到好似包裝紙佢地咁
    你個間好似係大快活, 唔係大家樂喎
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    噢!地利 Oh!tria
    噢!地利 Oh!tria
    Jan 8, 2009 12:37 AM
    係大快活, I will amend my blog. Thank you. BTW
    個 Simpsons 我唔使抽 , 我買 咗 佢 嘅 陳列品 .


    Jan 7, 2009 5:03 AM

    you really like a 港燦, i laughed while i read! Hahahah! 勁攪笑!!! 你報告得真係好詳細...... 見你又食又買, 勁開心!!! and u also ate in 賓記快餐, my philipino classmate was so happy to tell me she said it in Central when she was in HK last time. U made me remember her. yes, 和昌大押 now becomes a resturant. I still havent tried there!!!! How many more days you will in HK? U should also go hiking, eat korean BBQ, seafood buffet, 小籠包, 北京填鴨, 燒鵝, 越南牛肉檬, 泰國菜, 日本菜.... (i just name those things i want to eat! hahaha!)
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    噢!地利 Oh!tria
    噢!地利 Oh!tria
    Jan 7, 2009 11:55 PM
    I like this 賓記快餐. I stay until the 13th. I will meet a friend on Friday. Maybe I should suggest going for Korean BBQ.

