
the Sound of Music 最後一個音符隕落

(法新社華盛頓2月23日電) 二戰期間知名的奧 地利音樂家庭崔普,7兄弟姊妹中唯一在世的二姊瑪莉 亞•馮•崔普已於日前過世。他們逃離納粹德國的故事 ,因被改編成電影「真善美」而永垂不朽。 瑪莉亞•馮•崔普(Maria Franziska von Trapp )的同父異母弟弟昨天對美國有線電視新聞網(CNN) 說,99歲的瑪莉亞18日在美國東北佛蒙特州(Vermont )家中自然死亡。 瑪莉亞是崔普家庭歌手(Trapp Family Singers) 原始團員,在海軍上校崔普(Georg von Trapp)和第 一任妻子的7個孩子中排行第3。 崔普的第二任妻子瑪莉亞•庫契拉(Maria Kutschera)將家庭故事寫成一本書,崔普家庭的故事 後來改編成兩部德語電影、一齣百老匯音樂劇和一部賣 座好萊塢電影。 這部好萊塢電影,即1965年上映的「真善美」( Sound of Music),由女星茱莉安德魯斯(Julie Andrews)飾演瑪莉亞•庫契拉。 片中的父親由加拿大演員克里斯多夫普拉瑪( Christopher Plummer)演出。 崔普一家人於1938年逃離納粹佔領的奧地利,隔年 前往美國,1942年定居在佛蒙特州。他們1956年在美國 舉辦最後一場音樂會。

The last member of the singing and dancing von Trapp family that inspired the Sound of Music has died aged 99 at home in Vermont, America.

The family fled their home of Salzburg in Austria when the Nazis arrived and ended up performing around America where this story eventually inspired the 1965 Rodgers and Hammerstein musical hit.

Maria Franziska, who was the last of the seven brothers and sisters from the von Trapp family who was still alive, died in her sleep aged 99.

Family friend Marianne Dorfer who runs the von Trapp Villa Hotel in Salzburg said: "It was a surprise that she was the one in the family to live the longest because ever since she was a child she suffered from a weak heart. It was the fact that she suffered from this that her father decided to hire Maria von Trapp to teach her and her brothers and sisters. That of course then led to one of the most remarkable musical partnerships of the last century."

Maria Franziska was born in 1914 in Zell am See which is in the province of Salzburg and in 1938 fled with her family.

The Sound of Music which told the story of the musical family every year attracts hundreds of thousands of visitors to Salzburg even now, almost 50 years after it was made.

Maria was last back in Salzburg in 2008 when she flew back to the family home in Salzburg for the first time since she fled the Nazis in the 1930s.

The second-eldest daughter of Baron von Trapp visited the house she lived in just before it opens as a new hotel. The estate was confiscated by the Nazis during World War II and put at the disposal of SS police chief Heinrich Himmler, who had barracks built on the grounds for his men.

Following the death of Baron von Trapp's first wife, aspiring nun Maria Kutschera joined the family to teach the children, fell in love with the baron, and married him in 1927.

The family always sang and played instruments together, and having lost all their fortune in 1935 in the throes of the world economic crisis, their musical talent proved a saviour.

An opera singer heard the children sing in the park and entered them for a competition. Soon the von Trapps started to tour Europe and the United States as a family choir.

For Baron von Trapp, a staunch Austrian patriot and opponent of Adolf Hitler, his singing family also provided the escape ticket from the Nazi regime. The family did not return from a concert tour in the United States.

"Without the singing, we would have never made it to the United States," said von Trapp.

While The Sound of Music, one of the most successful films ever made, produced a series of well-loved musical hits like "Edelweiss" or "Sixteen going on 17", the family took exception to the way they were portrayed.

Julie Andrews starred as the aspiring nun Maria in the 1965 film, while Christopher Plummer played Baron von Trapp, who was depicted as a strict patriarch, obsessed with discipline.

"We were all pretty shocked at how they portrayed our father, he was so completely different. He always looked after us a lot, especially after our mother died," Maria von Trapp said in one interview before she died.

"You have to separate yourself from all that, and you have to get used to it. It is something you simply cannot avoid."

Her stepmother Maria had another three children with Baron von Trapp, and the family settled on a farm in Vermont in 1942.  (www.austriantimes.at)
想重溫一吓von Trapp family間屋,可以去我舊blog睇睇.

37 則留言:

  1. 前幾日報紙已有講....奧斯卡頒獎禮都有提.

    1. 呢咪係copy報紙個囉.
      奧斯卡頒獎禮時差關係冇睇直播. 夜晚播highlight時又配晒音,把鬼,唔睇!!

  2. Sound of Music 這部電影,香港的譯名是《仙樂飄飄處處聞》,也有同名的唱片出版。

  3. 王子係Sound of Music嘅fans?

  4. 細細個已經鍾意套戲啦!

    1. 細細個...你o個時係咪睇首影架. kakakaka

    2. 係呀!你真係好好好聰明呀!哈!呵!呀!噢!哎!哇!

  5. 我細細個唔聽英文歌都識Do-re-mi 隻歌 。

    1. 現實好似唔係走難,係巡迴表演後冇返奧地利.

  6. 好鍾意睇"仙樂飄飄處處聞",入戲院睇左五次,電視睇左好多次,仲買左碟睇添。

    1. 係呀,第一次至第五次都係係戲院睇架,係翻做嘅電影。

  7. 首歌真係細細個時唔識英文都跟住唱。

  8. Sound of Music 呢套電影令人難忘,我睇過好多次啦。

  9. 呢套戲好多歌好好聽呀!

  10. 我早幾日前都有睇呢度報導

  11. 第時我來你帶我去睇下間屋^^

  12. 好鐘意呢套戲, 睇咗好多次.

    1. 你也介紹了仙樂飄飄處處聞,我好鐘意呢套戲!謝謝!

