
豬流感/ Swine flu

豬流感黎得好快. 今日lunch time奧地利發現擬似個案. 黃昏時維也納有一個確診. 呢度人口密度冇咁高,希望唔會傳播得咁快啦.
依家啲豬受到呢個事件影響,形象大跌. 條片可唔可以幫佢哋升番人氣呢?

Vienna named city with world's best quality of living

噚日呢度新聞已經有講. 唔知係點評分. 等我了解一下,再補充
SYDNEY (Reuters Life!) – Vienna has beaten Zurich to be crowned the place with the best quality of living in an annual survey in which European cities dominated the top 10.
Management consultancy Mercer said Vienna scored the highest for overall quality of living in the 215-city survey after improvements in Austria's political and social environment, knocking the Swiss city of Zurich into second position.



漫畫交易所後就黎咗Hofburg皇宮Stadtfest. 呢個活動係奧地利一個政黨搞, 但係冇政治色彩.


Comic Börse漫畫交易所

噚日好忙呀. 咗兩個活動. 首先係Comic Börse漫畫交易所. 去到先知要4歐入場.

Yesterday I was busy going to two activities.  First I visited the Comic Börse (Comic stock market).  I didn't know that I needed to pay 4 euro for the entrance


Besides comics, there are also new/ old toys, animation DVDs and CDs on sale.

New Yorker TV commercials超搞笑

New Yorker is a German fashion company.  Recently I have watched a funny commercial. 
New Yorker係德國潮流服飾連鎖店, 歐洲其他國家都有分. 最近睇咗佢哋最新電視廣告, 超搞. 請留意最尾結局.


Bestattungsmuseum/ 殯儀博物館

今晚同聽係維也納市殯儀部門開放日. 度有個殯儀博物館. 平時入場要4.50 euro. 今晚唔使錢. 啱晒我呢個cheap.

Tonight and tomorrow night are the open days of the city's funernal services deparment.  There is a funernal musuem in their office.  The entrance fee is 4.50 euro.  Tonight it was free.  Good for me. 

Schokolademousse/ 朱古力mousse

(Alexander Fankhauser)

之前話唔知 QimiQ仲可以煑乜. 話咁快電視又有新食譜. 次係整朱古力mousse.



噚日新鮮嘢其實唔係乜嘢大件事, 只係可能往年呢個時候唔喺維也納, 所以唔知有呢兩樣嘢.


Farmer market

唔知點解load極都loadyahoo blog.

今日天氣又好古怪,天陰陰,得番14. 今日都有啲新鮮嘢發生,但係依家冇心機load. 咁講吓第啲嘢先.

喺維也納都有farmer markets. 我搭幾個站電車都有一個. 呢度啲嘢通常比超市平. 賣啲嘢主要係奧地利當做農產品. 當未有本地產時候就會賣入口貨.

記得有次行過雞檔, 主即刻攞住啲冇人要雞腳向我兜售.可惜我係exceptional唔食鳳爪香港人.


搞鬼玩具/ Funny toy


Please don't read if you're under 18.




喺呢度大街大巷,小街小巷都會見到性商店. 好似喺Mariahilferstraße購物街已經有三間. 最近經過呢間,見到一樣好搞鬼玩具.....


Prater除咗有遊樂場外仲有個好大公園. 呢次去到有車到,最遠部份Lusthaus. Prater以前係皇帝打獵地方,開放咗俾公眾後就成為公園.

維也納馬拉松&遲來的復活節/ Vienna City Marathon & late Easter

今日舉行咗每年一Vienna City Marathon. 都趁吓熱鬧,係跑,去影相啫.

The annual Vienna City Marathon was held today.  I also went there, not to run but to take photos.


植物公園好多人/ Botanical garden

今日行完街搭緊車返屋企時候,經過屋企附近植物公園好多人. 於是去八一吓. 原來舉行緊個植物市集. 有好多植物賣.




克羅地亞一定會去搵邊間餐廳black risotto(墨汁意大利飯). 因為奧地利好小有, 同埋有海鮮嘢都超貴.

最近克羅地亞之旅見到一間餐廳green risotto. 未見過貪新鮮叫黎食. 一上枱(但係都好好味)...! 我都識整啦!

返到黎買咗啲急凍海鮮同Creme Spinat(急凍菠菜蓉) . risotto最煩,要不停咁搞.咗出黎都似模似樣. 海鮮就縮晒水,細粒到睇唔到.


好多活動都會喺Rathausplatz. 今日開始就有奧地利其中一個州Steiermark推廣活動. 佢哋將個廣場變成好農村feel.


奧地利小姐/ Miss Austria 2009

我諗呢度冇乜人鍾意睇選美.電視唔會播. 只係突然間喺報紙雜誌見到新一屆奧地利小姐已經出爐. 佢哋點知有得參賽呢? 可能我冇睇女性雜誌啦.

I guess Austrian don't like watching beauty contests.  There is no such programme on TV.  Suddenly it is reported that the new Miss Austria is born in newspaper or magazines.  How do the girls know when to join the contest??  Maybe I don't read ladies' magazines that why I don't know.


Last day in Split

臨走呢日非常好天. 唔想再去舊城區, 於是四圍顎.

特羅吉爾/ Trogir

Day 3 in Split: 呢朝濃霧, 酒店房時不時聽到船隻響號. 聽講Split全年只有兩日係大霧,咁都俾我遇到, 真係唔知好彩定唔好彩. 呢一朝去咗半個鐘車程Trogir.

Day 3 in Split was foggy. I could hear the horn from some ships in the hotel room.  People say that there are only two foggy days in a year in Split.  I was so "lucky".  This morning I went to Trogir.  It's only half an hour by car from Split.

Trogir個島仔,有橋連接,唔使搭船. 呢個島成個都係UNESCO世遺.

Trogir is a small island and is connected by bridges.  So there is no need to go by boat.  The whole island of Trogir is an UNESCO world heritage.

Sea Gate馬上入四周圍行. 城牆外細細間係古時魚市場.

I arrived at Sea Gate and walked in immediately to explore this island.  In front of the city wall was a fish market.

斯普利特/Split (Day 2- part 2)


After the rain


My Easter


星期六晚有Easter Fire, 我唔係好知同復活節有乜關係


斯普利特/Split (Day 2- part 1)

天氣報告真係好準. 呢日落雨都照係周圍逛.

第一次見呢種船,大鄉里, 影番幅相先.

斯普利特/Split (Day 1)

Zagreb搭唔使一個鐘機就到咗Split. 黎之前check過天氣報告,話淨係今日好.


薩格勒布/ Zagreb (part 3)


After the sunny blog about Vienna, let's come back to the cloudy trip in Zagreb.

N.S. Zrinski Square公園,有一個氣象儀(左下)

There is a meteorological column on N.S.Zrinski Square (bottom left hand side)

Schönbrunn嘅Easter Market

Happy Easter!


Pet Society

【明報專訊】上網跟朋友「操啤」、替寵物換衣服和到訪友人家……這類網站社交小遊戲近年風靡全球數千萬網民,每天最少玩半小時。英國    《金融時報》昨報道,擁有約2億會員的社交網站Facebook,已成了全球最大網上社交遊戲平台,當中「得州話事啤」和「Pet Society」等遊戲最受歡迎,參與網民均達千萬。Facebook來勢洶洶,已促使Google及其他遊戲商,在遊戲設計上再下苦功,以求在市場爭一席位。

薩格勒布/ Zagreb (part 2)


Let me continue to introduce the old town of Zagreb:

Stone Gate

skip咗春天?? Skipping spring??

今日個天好藍. 有成24. 冬天後一黎就夏天,唔通skip咗春天??


薩格勒布/ Zagreb (part 1)

330出發薩格勒布. 只係50分鐘航程. 留咗兩晚. 好似我咁冇入博物館,時間就好夠, 可以話好悠.

On 30 March I left for Zagreb.  The flight was only 50 mins.  I stayed there for two nights.  I didn't visit any museum so I had more than enough time in the city.  Very relaxing.

呢度天氣同維也納一樣,得十幾度, 天陰陰, 有時仲落雨添.

The weather was similar to that in Vienna.  It was ten something degrees, cloudy and sometimes rained.

薩格勒布俾我感覺太似奧地利城市,可能以前都係屬於奧匈帝國關係啦. 咁啱依家好多地方都維修緊. 影相唔係太靚.

Zagreb looked like some cities in Austria to me.  Maybe it's because Zagreb belonged to the Austria-Hugarian Emperor in the past.

酒店喺舊城區,賣點The only Hotel in the Heart of Zagreb. 對出就Ban J. Jelacic Square

I stayed in a hotel which was "the only Hotel in the Heart of Zagreb".  The Ban J. Jelacic Square was just in front of the hotel.


Easter market

奧地利除咗有Xmas market, 復活節Easter market.

特別彌撒/Special mass


Let me tell you what happened today before starting my blog about my recent trip.

我對聖經一知半解, anyway教堂有特別彌撒,Palmkätzchen (字典譯catkin, 中文唔知乜,但係香港人過年都會買)祈福. 我只知耶穌入耶路撒冷時, 啲人拎住棕櫚葉喺路旁歡迎佢. 喺奧地利冇棕櫚葉所以用呢種花.

I don't know much about bible.  Today there was a special blessing for catkin.  I only know that when Jesus went to Jerusalem, people held palm leaves welcoming him.  But as there is no palm in Austria, people use catkin.


There were many stalls selling this flower.


Vienna Ring Tram

市中心Ring,沿途有好多景點. 以前黎過維也納自由行blogger可能坐過1號或2號電車Ring遊車河睇風景. 舊年10呢兩條線改道. 原來係為咗搵錢. 44號開始有一架專為遊客而設新車 Vienna Ring Tram行走原來1,2本路線.

半小時收6 euro (普通電車單程2.10 euro),簡直搶. 仲有人建議呢條線通車後,禁止旅遊巴Ring行駛,舒緩交通擠塞.



以前去行都鍾意買紀念品. 但係香港屋企實在太細,開始冇位擺紀念品. 所以我依家只係買postcard郵票.講開postcard, 原來postcard係奧地利人發明架.以下資料等我同大家分享吓.