
Life Ball

Life Ball係維也納每年一度喺RathausHIVAIDS籌款盛事. 今年會係喺516舉行.所以最近會見到好多宣傳. 好似今日佢哋個記招介紹今年舞台, 佢哋會將Rathaus出面變成一個水池.

Life Ball is an annual charity event held in Rathaus, Vienna, for HIV & AIDS.  This year it is held on May 16 therefore recently there are a lot of promotions.  Today there was a press conference introducing the state.  They are going to turn Rathausplatz into a pool.

去呢個ball人都會著到奇裝異服. 我舊年睇電視live,到我抽筋. 希望今年有驚喜啦.

People are in their costume to the ball.  Last year I watched the live telecast but it was so boring, in my opinion.  Hopefully it will be more interesting this year.

(official promotional pictures)

1 則留言:

  1. Bonekinho
    May 1, 2009 5:35 AM

    Wow...simply amazing the costumes, but what is it exactly. A parade or a play?
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    噢!地利 Oh!tria
    噢!地利 Oh!tria
    May 2, 2009 4:00 AM
    It is a ball and people attending it will be in their costumes.


    May 1, 2009 4:03 AM

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    噢!地利 Oh!tria
    噢!地利 Oh!tria
    May 1, 2009 4:25 AM
    希望 今年好 d


    Apr 30, 2009 11:59 PM

    舊年睇電視 Live 悶到抽筋,但點解悶都唔轉台,要悶到抽筋....
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    噢!地利 Oh!tria
    噢!地利 Oh!tria
    May 1, 2009 4:24 AM
    第一次 睇 , 想要了解吓

