Jun 16 2013 www.austriantimes.at
More than 150,000 people took part in the 18th edition of the Vienna gay pride parade this weekend.
The organiser Christian Högl of the Vienna homosexual initiative (HOSI) said this edition of the parade which saw masses of people travel around Vienna’s Ring road was one of the most successful to date.
The parade was lead by the Pride Boys and Pride Girls, followed by a mixture of trucks, motorbikes and various pedestrian groups.
The costumes this year included everything from naked skin to overall latex-costumes from queens and angels. Rainbow body paint was also very popular this year.
Even in the party atmosphere and the sunshine, participants made very clear they were protesting against discrimination against homosexual and transgender individuals under the motto "United in Pride".
There were divided opinions amongst the spectators along the Ring. One woman said: "I came by chance. I actually wanted to go to the museum. I just don’t understand their requests."
A Swiss tourist on the other hand said: "I am enjoying the day."
The yearly demonstration is a part of the larger Vienna Pride event. Organiser Christian Högl said that the parade was to show solidarity with all countries where homosexuality may not be accepted and where such parades would be forbidden or kept under close police surveillance.
On a more local level, Högl said: "I hope that the step-child adoption will go through in Parliament and the protection against discrimination has to be improved."
The parade is supported by the city council. The city councillor Sandra Frauenberger (SPÖ) and the Green local councillor Jennifer Kickert insisted there was no place for discrimination in an open world-city like Vienna.
The city celebrates this year 15 years of existence of the Viennese anti-discrimination office for homosexual and transgender lifestyles (WASt).
More than 150,000 people took part in the 18th edition of the Vienna gay pride parade this weekend.
The organiser Christian Högl of the Vienna homosexual initiative (HOSI) said this edition of the parade which saw masses of people travel around Vienna’s Ring road was one of the most successful to date.
The parade was lead by the Pride Boys and Pride Girls, followed by a mixture of trucks, motorbikes and various pedestrian groups.
The costumes this year included everything from naked skin to overall latex-costumes from queens and angels. Rainbow body paint was also very popular this year.
Even in the party atmosphere and the sunshine, participants made very clear they were protesting against discrimination against homosexual and transgender individuals under the motto "United in Pride".
There were divided opinions amongst the spectators along the Ring. One woman said: "I came by chance. I actually wanted to go to the museum. I just don’t understand their requests."
A Swiss tourist on the other hand said: "I am enjoying the day."
The yearly demonstration is a part of the larger Vienna Pride event. Organiser Christian Högl said that the parade was to show solidarity with all countries where homosexuality may not be accepted and where such parades would be forbidden or kept under close police surveillance.
On a more local level, Högl said: "I hope that the step-child adoption will go through in Parliament and the protection against discrimination has to be improved."
The parade is supported by the city council. The city councillor Sandra Frauenberger (SPÖ) and the Green local councillor Jennifer Kickert insisted there was no place for discrimination in an open world-city like Vienna.
The city celebrates this year 15 years of existence of the Viennese anti-discrimination office for homosexual and transgender lifestyles (WASt).
回覆刪除奧地利人系o吾系好鍾意costume 扮野呀?
[版主回覆06/20/2013 02:45:49]引到你今日第一個回應
彩虹人, 好型呀!
回覆刪除[版主回覆06/20/2013 02:58:47]但唔知對皮膚有冇害.
looks fun! ppl who join the gay parade in Munich are so ugly!
回覆刪除[版主回覆06/20/2013 02:59:20]醜人我唔影啫.
[版主回覆06/21/2013 01:12:27]失明o個d靚女囉.
[毛豆回覆06/20/2013 19:10:39]有冇靚女揀你先,呀"王子"
[版主回覆06/20/2013 19:08:09]但唔係靚女囉.
[毛豆回覆06/20/2013 10:43:15]有人對你面鍚面,明益你啦...吓話
[版主回覆06/20/2013 03:01:51]扯個耳窿喎....
回覆刪除[版主回覆06/20/2013 03:05:33]熱浪. Salzburg好似有40度.
以前住個巿都有PUB掛上RAINBOW FLAT。。現在住的巿可能比較保守, 好少見彩虹旗。
回覆刪除[版主回覆06/20/2013 03:07:43]我呢度都要係o係某d區先多見.
回覆刪除[版主回覆06/20/2013 03:08:00]大型,但今年好似悶咗D.
原來已經保守咗?! 咁往年都真係好激動喎!
回覆刪除[版主回覆06/20/2013 03:09:10]往年有男有女三點盡露架
回覆刪除[版主回覆06/20/2013 05:03:19]失望
回覆刪除[版主回覆06/20/2013 19:08:35]得人驚.
[版主回覆06/20/2013 19:09:05]大耳窿可能係佢正職.
睇天氣報告話法蘭克福和蘇黎世都成三十五六度, 我仲以為我睇錯
回覆刪除[版主回覆06/20/2013 19:10:33]熱C我.
天氣咁熱, 彩虹人會唔會行到甩色架
回覆刪除[版主回覆06/21/2013 15:12:44]又冇wo. 唔知對皮膚有冇害.
咁拉隻耳仔, 果個人都幾抵得痛.
回覆刪除[版主回覆06/21/2013 15:13:10]得人驚.
回覆刪除[版主回覆06/22/2013 17:39:20]睇吓,影吓相咋,冇巡遊
回覆刪除[版主回覆06/24/2013 03:00:04]以酷刑.