

嘅問題我呢度都有. 我講土豪係中東遊客. 佢哋特別鍾意去Zell am See呢個富貴人家渡假聖地,但係因為文化不同,引起好多本地人反感.  
好似佢哋隨地揼垃圾,亂咁泊車,超速,唔戴安全帶, 喺酒店房煮食, 以為有錢大晒....  
為令佢哋可以入鄉隨俗, Salzburg5月時出咗本Where Cultures Meet小冊子,只係派畀中東遊客睇. (下邊有部份內容嘅圖片) 當然有人覺得係玩針對, 最後有關當局要收起晒呢啲小冊子.

Tourism chiefs in Salzburg have been forced to withdraw a controversial etiquette guide for Arabs that aimed to stop them trying to haggle over prices, cooking in their rooms, and dumping their litter around the region.

The 8-page etiquette guide called "Where Cultures Meet" came out in May and was only being handed out to guests from Arab regions in the lakeside resort of Zell am See, regarded as one of the most picturesque and expensive of Austria's tourist destinations.

Tourism marketing director Marco Pointner confirmed that the guide had been withdrawn as "unfortunately, certain passages led to misunderstandings".

"We will revise the brochure with input from guests and locals," he said.

He added that there had not been any noticeable decline in bookings by Arab guests but that it was important to maintain the number of tourists visiting from the Middle East and he hoped that this year there would be an increase.

But while many locals have been complaining about the way the Arab guests behave, the region does not want to give up the tourism revenue, which in the last 10 years has increased in the Zell am See-Kaprun region by several hundred percent, according to Leo Bauernberger, managing director of Salzburg region tourism board. He added: "Arabs love to make visits to the region, they love the clear fresh water, the mountain lakes and the climate."

According to the latest tourism statistics, last year there were 275,000 overnight stays by Arab guests in the region, and although the area is also a winter tourism destination almost all of the visits were in summer. To put that in perspective, between May and October 25.8 percent of all of the guests were Arabic, putting them ahead even of visitors from Germany who are normally the most common of the groups from abroad to be seen in Austrian resorts. In August that rose to 36 percent, with most coming from the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia according to tourism spokeswoman Renate Ecker.

She said: "They often stay for several weeks, also at times when it's not so busy and in contrast to guests from other regions they are always delighted when it rains. They spend 240 EUR (195 GBP) per person per day which also puts them at double the level of other visitors. Some hotels depend so much on the Arab guests that they have almost no other visitors and even have cooks specially employed to cater to Arab taste."

But Ecker admitted that there were also tourism destinations in the region that did not so readily accept Arab guests, in particular those where there was a ban on people wearing a Burka, with the traditional costume being the biggest cause for concern in the area.

Local mayor Peter Padourek confirmed that the complete body covering Burka was the biggest reason for friction in the area.

He said: "When you have a situation where visitors from a particular country or region are over present, then it can be a problem. Austrians have the same problem in Lignano. Here the Arabs have the problem that their strong presence in the region is very clearly visible because of the Burka. That causes irritation among locals and among visitors from other countries. The guests are coming from other countries carry away with them a different image of our region." He also said that he was noticing increasingly that signs were being put up in Arabic and that didn't make him happy. He said: "I don't like it when we sell ourselves in this way. We don't need to cosy up to anyone with gestures like this. We should limit ourselves to German and English."

He also added that many locals did not like the mentality of our guests adding: "They seem to think that if they pay, they can get whatever they want."

Erich Egger who is the boss of the local cable car company that takes guests into the mountains in summer and winter said that it was a fact that many guests to Zell am See from other regions were being scared off from the visible presence of so many Arab guests. He said: "The feedback I'm getting from hoteliers is the other guests are saying to them they are not going to come again."

He said anybody that did not believe him only needed to look at the online comments that are posted by guests when reviewing hotels in the region.

But it is not just the Burka that is causing problems. Zell am See prides itself on the natural beauty of the region and they claim that the Arabs are leaving rubbish all over the place as well. They are also accused of ignoring the traffic laws everybody else has to observe, in particular parking, and the pamphlet partly came about as a result of discussions between local police and tourism officials over driving issues.
The most common complaints were not just the parking but also the speed that the Arab guests drove at and the fact that children were usually not made to wear a seatbelt. Last year there was even one case where a child from an Arab family died in a car accident in Austria in which they were not wearing a seatbelt.

Renate Ecker said that the sceptical attitude of locals was a real cause for concern, adding: "If locals find a stumbling point to accept Arab guests, then that means trouble for tourism." She added that the region was massively dependent on tourism and therefore if that was impacted it could become a real problem.

But there is also the worry that if there turned out to be problems in the Middle East it could mean overnight that many rooms were suddenly not filled - and if other guests had been driven away that could also become a real problem.
Erich Egger said: "I welcome guests from everywhere but it must be possible to lay down some rules. If those rules are followed, then the acceptance will also follow."

The most controversial part of the booklet was a debate about whether or not to mention clothing and the Burka at all. The worry was that it could be seen as an attack on Islam. In the end it was included together with the message that Austrian women can choose to dress themselves how they want and that black is a sign of mourning. It adds that the people from the region are used to looking into the laughing face of others in order to gain a first impression and in order to build trust. With this in mind, locals would be glad when visitors adopted the Austrian mentality.
It then also points out that children need to wear seat belts in the car, rubbish needs to be put in the bins, food should not be eaten on the floor of the hotel and cooking in the rooms is not tolerated, and prices are not to be negotiated.

51 則留言:

  1. 回覆
    1. 出咗小冊子去教育佢哋,但係又好似針對人囉

  2. 睇黎佢地都係D覺得有錢就大哂嘅人喇, 不過邊個唔見錢眼開呢? 呢度都叫本地人要對遊客禮貌D

    1. 度度都係咁,見錢開眼

    2. 現在全世界不論什麼主義的國家,全部都向錢看!
      錢呀...錢,money is...money.

  3. 回覆
    1. 出咗小冊子但係又好似針對人囉.

  4. 中東土豪我地都有唔少,我覺得強國土豪破壞力高幾班喎

  5. 其實俄羅斯人出國都係咁

    1. 我都有聽過俄羅斯人都唔好得去邊

  6. 去得富貴區仲要係酒店房煮食!果然爆發戶.

    1. 因為出邊d o野食唔係Halal 嘛. 食咗會打籐都似.

  7. 俄羅斯同印度都唔好得去邊。聽過例子,印度客係滑雪區店拎完件衫望完隨手掉落地,如是者店主出口叫佢執返曬,客人唔理,繼續掉,跟住口角,無動手,店主下逐客令,客人唔走,店主跟手報警,終於知驚,即走。店主以後一見印度旅遊車,拉閳唔做佢哋生意。另一都係印度人,打尖,仲要打著我𠴱位非常坦白,直接朋友。朋友見前面瑞士人唔出聲,即刻走上去叫印度人排隊,印度人即走

  8. 英國有的土豪除了中國來的,還有蘇聯。以前最多是中東。

  9. 攪針對, 當然唔好喇. 佢地發起火, 話你歧視佢, 係奧國住嘅, 就上街示威, 後果不堪想像呀.

  10. 十月中會去 Salzburg, 睇下會唔會撞到啲土豪先!

    1. Salzburg市唔太多. Zell am See就多到街邊d告示都有阿拉伯文. btw你哋會唔會黎維也納?

  11. 有關當局要收起晒啲小冊子後,其實係咪要檢討吓再修改吓啲字句呢?

    1. 佢係咁講要review一吓.

  12. 文化唔同,佢地又唔覺得係問題,好難教架

    1. 入鄉隨俗,自己可以自修一吓先出發嘛.

  13. 我諗,如果去玩,有好嘢介紹我都會留意下,但而家係長篇大論的被人管教,況且仲水蛇春咁多個字,邊個有時間去睇吖!

  14. 冇辦法...地方唔同,生活文化又唔同...梗有分歧架嘞!!!
    王子歧視小眾?!! 嘻嘻...

    1. 唔係歧視. 但係入鄉隨俗係基本禮儀啦.

  15. 乜都唔使講,錢行先,

  16. 入鄉隨俗係對㗎,唔可以不如回家啦

  17. 其實去旅行就係想體驗下人地的生活文化吧,如果要同自己本來生活一樣不如就留在家好了,免卻舟車勞頓呢

  18. 唔想人針對就唔好做土豪啦。

  19. 土豪要接受多幾個國家教化,才會進步,第一個國家就遭殃喇!

  20. 出呢啲小冊子唔知有無用呢?比如說相信啲人知周街大小便唔岩,但都會做⋯

    1. 會睇小冊子o個d我相信係冇咁土豪

  21. 呢d小冊子我覺得佢地睇都唔會睇~~ 唉~~真係家家有本難唸的經! 都係錢作怪!

  22. 土豪係恩主心態=我帯銭来養活U地全部人(係大陸共産党狗官公開講過既)

  23. 其實真係度度都有呢喃D人,香港人淨係識睇香港架咋!

