A growing number of Viennese pharmacists plan to fight restrictions regarding opening hours, it has been disclosed.
Newspapers and radio news programmes reported at the weekend that more and more pharmacists doing business in the Austrian capital were upset about regulations keeping them from doing business on Saturday afternoons. Especially pharmacists based in the city of the Austrian capital are understood to prefer an extension.
The Pharmacists’ Council reacted today (Mon), arguing there was "no need to act." The chamber claimed the current ruling was appropriate. Polls have shown that a vast majority of customers are happy with pharmacies’ business hours.
Business newspapers disclosed that some Viennese pharmacists have been risking fines and disciplinary measures for some time as they have ignored restrictions in favour of operating on Saturday afternoons. Radio news reports informed that some pharmacists elsewhere in the country agreed with lawmakers about individual opening hour regulations although federal restrictions prohibit longer business hours.
Austrian pharmacies try to ensure adequate service around the clock by running a 24-7 emergency service across the country. The programme – which has been in effect for decades – means that some pharmacies are occupied at night to provide residents with drugs. Around one third of pharmacies offer such night-time services.
There has been no information on whether pharmacists calling for a reform of the opening hour bylaw consider legal action. Such a move would come just weeks after a Viennese businessman called on the Federal Constitutional Court (VfGH) to decide whether current regulations breached his right of free trade.
Richard Lugner, who runs the Lugner City, a shopping centre located in Vienna-Rudolfsheim-Fünfhaus, pointed out that his mall’s stores were doing great when they were allowed to operate longer than usual during the European Football Championship three years ago.
Lugner said he felt "restricted" by the restrictions which were currently in force. Asked for his goals, the businessman – who is focusing on his mall after decades in the construction industry – explained he wanted to allow Lugner City shops to operate on "five to six Sundays" per year.
Viennese Social Democratic (SPÖ) Mayor Michael Häupl said he opposed plans to expand opening hour restrictions, while Federal Economy Minister Reinhold Mitterlehner of the People’s Party (ÖVP) argued stores in some regions and cities should be allowed to do business longer than the current restriction of 72 weekly hours. Employee representatives and the Austrian Roman Catholic Church are against such a reform.
Some shops like bakeries and souvenir stands do business on Sunday due to special agreements. More than six in 10 tourists recently told the Gallup research group they would like to shop at stores in Vienna on Sundays which are not allowed to open on that day.
起酒店. 係就係型, 但係同週圍格格不入.
牆中牆. 古蹟
一棟以前咖啡貿易公司. 牆外好似講梗咖啡貿易個流程
回覆刪除[Terance Tso回覆08/06/2011 12:52:34]我同你第一次見面時, 都已經送左野俾你啦, 而家你又問我攞, 應該係你幾時送野俾我先? XD
[版主回覆08/06/2011 05:25:48]我新居入伙有冇o野送俾我?? (^o^)
d kitty 幾靚
回覆刪除[版主回覆08/06/2011 05:23:23]好貴呢. HK有未??
回覆刪除[版主回覆08/06/2011 05:22:52]仲研究梗點用.
hello kitty^^^, btw, d字大d吖
回覆刪除[版主回覆08/06/2011 05:22:05]d字set咗係得咁大架咋. (¬_¬)
btw你個blog條link吖plz. upgrade咗以前d訂閱冇晒.(;O;)
回覆刪除[版主回覆08/06/2011 06:48:00]好似兩個幾鐘.
回覆刪除[版主回覆08/08/2011 01:48:29]教會好有影響力.
回覆刪除[Hermit279回覆08/08/2011 09:26:16]你個電郵中顯示的名字"閃神粉絲"好有創意,等我想了很久也想不到是誰。^^
[版主回覆08/08/2011 01:48:58]初初真係好唔慣
你個新網居係威係勢敢喎!嘈嘈閉~ ^0^
回覆刪除[版主回覆08/08/2011 01:50:17]佢唔俾人o係一開始播歌,唯有咁
回覆刪除[版主回覆08/08/2011 01:50:58]你冇買??? (o|o)
回覆刪除[版主回覆08/08/2011 01:52:25]o係個blog度我地係講梗搬blog. 但係我真係搬喎. Email個地址你.
I'm Sydney. I li,e the hello kitty one too
回覆刪除[版主回覆08/06/2011 18:43:36]Hello Sydney. 你幾時會upgrade呀?
我唔知香港有冇 wor,冇睇開呢d野 :p
回覆刪除[版主回覆08/06/2011 20:50:46]blog友話有. 但係如果有SpongBog你一定去睇啦.
D字好細! 好難為我老人家呀!
回覆刪除[版主回覆08/06/2011 20:59:56]研究吓有冇得改先.
水晶Hello Kitty超靚呀!
回覆刪除[版主回覆08/06/2011 21:07:05]好貴.
要買放大鏡, d字好細呀!
回覆刪除[版主回覆08/08/2011 01:46:51]我會整大d
回覆刪除[版主回覆08/08/2011 01:46:07]係我唔放咁大個咋.
你攪個housewarming 宴客先.. 嘿嘿嘿嘿嘿!!
回覆刪除間hotel design 騎呢... =X
[版主回覆08/10/2011 01:54:32]No party
[版主回覆08/10/2011 19:27:05]呢度大部份office都係5天工作,朝8晚4. 仲有大把時間shopping.