我都o吾識區分什么麥什么麥。 你個問題我o吾識幫o吾倒你。 [版主回覆09/05/2011 03:22:19]乜我呢度變咗你地兩條友仔o既chat room???!!!! [搞一爺回覆08/27/2011 12:44:38]T君﹕ 有睇你個網誌都估到你o既工作是什么啦﹗ 我一直覺得你系樂于助人的超好男人﹐舉手之勞o者。 [Terance Tso回覆08/27/2011 09:49:23]做乜無端端提起我, 仲要爆我o既私隱添......我發覺yahoo blog 可能有少少問題, 有時當你答完一個留言, 轉去第二頁時, 個"reply"會失靈, 但我只係refresh個page一次就會冇問題 [搞一爺回覆08/27/2011 04:18:07]雙魚仔 Terance is a computer system worker. If you describe your software problem to him clearly, I believe he is able to help you. There is always a hope. Don't cry. By the way, Mr. Know is a man to locate the right guy to fix the problems quickly. We have defferent understandings about its concept. Your interpretation is my concept in the past. Hey! Hey! you are out dated. [版主回覆08/27/2011 01:50:50]I think you're Mr Know All.
回覆刪除[版主回覆08/27/2011 01:48:50]Don't know what to do. (ToT) crying...
我都o吾識區分什么麥什么麥。 你個問題我o吾識幫o吾倒你。
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/05/2011 03:22:19]乜我呢度變咗你地兩條友仔o既chat room???!!!!
[搞一爺回覆08/27/2011 12:44:38]T君﹕ 有睇你個網誌都估到你o既工作是什么啦﹗ 我一直覺得你系樂于助人的超好男人﹐舉手之勞o者。
[Terance Tso回覆08/27/2011 09:49:23]做乜無端端提起我, 仲要爆我o既私隱添......我發覺yahoo blog 可能有少少問題, 有時當你答完一個留言, 轉去第二頁時, 個"reply"會失靈, 但我只係refresh個page一次就會冇問題
[搞一爺回覆08/27/2011 04:18:07]雙魚仔 Terance is a computer system worker. If you describe your software problem to him clearly, I believe he is able to help you. There is always a hope. Don't cry. By the way, Mr. Know is a man to locate the right guy to fix the problems quickly. We have defferent understandings about its concept. Your interpretation is my concept in the past. Hey! Hey! you are out dated.
[版主回覆08/27/2011 01:50:50]I think you're Mr Know All.
回覆刪除[版主回覆08/27/2011 01:51:07]hahah
係回應 or 回覆? 我有時都有咁嘅問題, 要refresh 後再 click 回覆。
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/05/2011 03:42:02]我個blog係睇英文Reply,係回覆卦. Anyway知道係我laptop個IE version support唔到新Y!Blog.
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/05/2011 03:42:20]花好多時間呢.
我都係五殼不分0架 ! 哈哈 , 皇冠下面嗰啲似夏枯草 .
回覆刪除[ak回覆09/05/2011 12:29:19]咁講非常啱聽喎 . gagaga
[版主回覆09/05/2011 03:42:44]五殼好鬼難分.
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/05/2011 03:43:24]應該有個event,但係我人唔o係Vienna,miss 咗.
[版主回覆09/05/2011 03:44:07]發現個問題係我laptop個IE version support唔到新Y!Blog.
我都試過, 回應唔到時應該refresh就冇事, pls try~~ :)
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/05/2011 03:43:40]發現係我laptop個IE version support唔到新Y!Blog.
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/06/2011 19:51:39]都唔知係咪IE新version有問題
[Gael回覆09/05/2011 18:03:37]好詭秘~~~~~~
[版主回覆09/05/2011 17:54:18]又唔係喎. 我個Netbook冇update IE又用到喎.
[Gael回覆09/05/2011 12:38:52]嘩,咁你一定好耐無update果個IE,依家通常用IE8~~~~~不過我都改左用chrome,少左用IE
[版主回覆09/05/2011 03:44:25]發現到係我laptop個IE version support唔到新Y!Blog.
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/05/2011 03:45:13]發現係我laptop個IE version support唔到新Y!Blog. 咁向邊個反應先啱?
[版主回覆09/05/2011 23:07:34]Thank you.