我未戒奶/Not yet abstained from milk
我仲係BB黎架. 每日我都要飲奶.我有呢個習慣其實係細細個嘅時候,媽打問醫生需唔需要戒奶, 醫生話’佢飲咪繼續俾佢飲囉’.所以飲到依家.
鬼佬齋戒/Gweilos' fasting
嘉年華Fasching噚日結束. Fasching其間奧地利人會開party食Krapfen .
Carnival (Fasching) was finished yesterday. During that period, Austrian held parties and ate Krapfen.
Carnival (Fasching) was finished yesterday. During that period, Austrian held parties and ate Krapfen.
喺葡萄牙嘅blog友 大懶蟲小肥A 同Bonequinho 介紹咗佢哋嗰邊嘅嘉年華.咁我又講埋一份.
嘉年華奧地利叫Fasching. 今日睇電視見到喺Graz有巡遊. 喺維也納嘅大型慶祝活動就係Opernball (Opera Ball). 我覺得呢個活動只係屬於啲有錢人.
今年Opernball喺2月19舉行咗. Opera鋪晒紅地毯, 附近都封晒路,閒人唔可以接近.
嘉年華奧地利叫Fasching. 今日睇電視見到喺Graz有巡遊. 喺維也納嘅大型慶祝活動就係Opernball (Opera Ball). 我覺得呢個活動只係屬於啲有錢人.
今年Opernball喺2月19舉行咗. Opera鋪晒紅地毯, 附近都封晒路,閒人唔可以接近.
之前睇過我篇blog嘅blog友都知我係一個Simpsons癡 (同時都係SpongeBob癡). 係Simpsons嘅嘢都會買一餐. 所以我喺香港有好多Simpsons嘢. 今次返香港帶咗小小過黎. 其中最特別係呢兩個:
Bloggers who have read my previous blog know that I'm crazy for Simpsons (I also crazy for SpongeBob). I buy all things bear the characters (within my financial ability). Therefore there are a lot of Simpsons merchandises in my HK home. This time I have brought some from HK. These are the two most special
可以放餅仔嘅杯, 一次過拎住啲嘢飲同嘢食
A mug that you can carry your drink and snack together.
Bloggers who have read my previous blog know that I'm crazy for Simpsons (I also crazy for SpongeBob). I buy all things bear the characters (within my financial ability). Therefore there are a lot of Simpsons merchandises in my HK home. This time I have brought some from HK. These are the two most special
可以放餅仔嘅杯, 一次過拎住啲嘢飲同嘢食
A mug that you can carry your drink and snack together.
傻佬睇雪/snow watching geek
噚日成朝落住飄雪, 好似棉花咁飄黎飄去. 呢種雪我最鍾意. 我會用褸袖接啲雪花黎研究. 啲雪花塊塊唔同, 有大有細. 當我見到嗰啲又大又形狀好perfect嘅雪花會開心到飛起. 街邊啲人見到我會唔會當我係傻佬呢?
Yesterday it was snowing the whole morning. The snow flakes flew in the air like cotton. That the kind of snow flakes I like. I used the sleeves of my jacket to catch the snow flakes to study. They were in different shapes and sizes. When I saw the ones that were big and in perfect shapes, I jumped for joy. I wondered if people thought I was crazy.
Yesterday it was snowing the whole morning. The snow flakes flew in the air like cotton. That the kind of snow flakes I like. I used the sleeves of my jacket to catch the snow flakes to study. They were in different shapes and sizes. When I saw the ones that were big and in perfect shapes, I jumped for joy. I wondered if people thought I was crazy.
(pic downloaded from internet)
Happy Valentine’s day
我喺職場嘅人際關係自認搞得好好. 情人節我會好博愛,請啲同事食糖(不分男女).
記得有一年我搞搞新意,都係送’花’............ .... .........係豆腐花! 送真花緊係人哋男友做啦!
Mama Mia Island
有睇Mama Mia電影嘅blog友會唔會被嗰度嘅景色吸引呢? 我覺得間教堂最正. 好想去睇睇. 喺最近嘅旅遊展知道嗰度係希臘一個叫Skopelos嘅地方. 如果有朝一日去希臘,行程一定要去埋呢達地方. E+未有計畫去希臘,睇住啲poster先. 望梅止渴嘛.
Are there anyone, who have watched the Mama Mia movie,being attracted by the scenery? I think the church is wonderful. I really want to go there. Recently in the Travel Exhibition, I've learnt that the place is called Skopelos in Greece. When I travel to Greece one day, I have to visit the place. At the moment I have no plan to go to Greece, so let me dream of the place by looking at these posters.
Are there anyone, who have watched the Mama Mia movie,being attracted by the scenery? I think the church is wonderful. I really want to go there. Recently in the Travel Exhibition, I've learnt that the place is called Skopelos in Greece. When I travel to Greece one day, I have to visit the place. At the moment I have no plan to go to Greece, so let me dream of the place by looking at these posters.
Shopping City Süd
Yesterday I didn't know why I couldn't go to yahoo.com.hk. Did anyone encounter the same problem?
Yesterday I didn't know why I couldn't go to yahoo.com.hk. Did anyone encounter the same problem?
I have not been in HK for only a year more there are many changes. For example
-我至愛嘅Simpsons同SpongeBob喺香港嘅人氣度大增. 居然屈臣士同百佳有Simpsons嘢賣. 精品店有好多SpongeBob嘢,可能日本興啦.
My favorite Simpsons and SpongeBob are more popular. You can find Simpsons' merchandises in Watsons and Park n Shop. Also many merchandises of SpongeBob in trendy shops. Maybe it is popular in Japan.
I have not been in HK for only a year more there are many changes. For example
-我至愛嘅Simpsons同SpongeBob喺香港嘅人氣度大增. 居然屈臣士同百佳有Simpsons嘢賣. 精品店有好多SpongeBob嘢,可能日本興啦.
My favorite Simpsons and SpongeBob are more popular. You can find Simpsons' merchandises in Watsons and Park n Shop. Also many merchandises of SpongeBob in trendy shops. Maybe it is popular in Japan.
Air France’s廢話bullsXXt
之前投訴Air France,今日收到回復
I want to complain my recent experience with your airlines. On my way from Hong Kong to Vienna, I stopped over in Paris. The transit time was one and a half hour. However
my luggage could not make it to the connection flight and it took two
day for you to deliver my luggage to my Vienna
有趣CM/ Funny TV commercials
mömax係奧地利一間傢俬舗. 如果你遇到以下情況,你都會買過新嘅
mömax is a furniture shop in Austria. If you're in a situation like this, for sure you'll buy a new one.
1. 唔好咁快啦,我係處黎架
No, not too fast. I’m a virgin
Hong Kong Delikatessen
This blog is in German only because I want to write down what I have read. (pictures downloaded from the internet and information copied from those from the Hong Kong Tourism Board)
屈臣士/ Watsons
全球化係大勢所催. 喺奧地利港資企業唔係太多. 例如3同esprit週圍都見到. 而屈臣士喺呢度化身叫Marionnaud.專賣香水. 屈臣士牌都有架.
Globalization is the trend of the world. However there are not many HK enterprises in Austria. You can find the chain shops from 3 and esprit. For Watsons, they are in the Austria market in name of Marionnaud. It specialises in selling perfume. Watsons brand products are also available.
其實原本我唔知Marionnaud嘅真身架. 係有一次去拉脫維亞見到有間嘢Drogas同屈臣士同一格局. 心諗老番! 上網發現原來係和黃集團架.
Originally I didn't know the background of Marionnaud. I know because I have travelled to Latvia once and seen a shop, Drogas, which looks the same as Watsons. A pirated shop??? Then I have found out it is belonged to the Hutchison Whampoa group.
Globalization is the trend of the world. However there are not many HK enterprises in Austria. You can find the chain shops from 3 and esprit. For Watsons, they are in the Austria market in name of Marionnaud. It specialises in selling perfume. Watsons brand products are also available.
其實原本我唔知Marionnaud嘅真身架. 係有一次去拉脫維亞見到有間嘢Drogas同屈臣士同一格局. 心諗老番! 上網發現原來係和黃集團架.
Originally I didn't know the background of Marionnaud. I know because I have travelled to Latvia once and seen a shop, Drogas, which looks the same as Watsons. A pirated shop??? Then I have found out it is belonged to the Hutchison Whampoa group.
Brändi Dog
差唔多兩個月前我介紹過一個board game, Brändi Dog.
Nearly two moths ago I introduced a board game, Brändi Dog.
今次喺科隆朋友屋企又再玩. 我之前話玩法完全一樣,原來係有小小唔同. 所以Brändi Dog會玩耐一啲.
This time I played this game again in my friend's in Cologne. I have said that the rules are the same. However there are a little bit differences that make the play time of Brändi Dog is longer.
Nearly two moths ago I introduced a board game, Brändi Dog.
今次喺科隆朋友屋企又再玩. 我之前話玩法完全一樣,原來係有小小唔同. 所以Brändi Dog會玩耐一啲.
This time I played this game again in my friend's in Cologne. I have said that the rules are the same. However there are a little bit differences that make the play time of Brändi Dog is longer.
再去波恩/Bonn again
上次去波恩係落雨天,所以同自己講一定要黎多次. 今次天氣非常好.
Last time when I travelled to Bonn, it was raining. Therefore I promised myself that I would come here again. This time the weather was wonderful.
Last time when I travelled to Bonn, it was raining. Therefore I promised myself that I would come here again. This time the weather was wonderful.
椰菜包飯/Stuffed Cabbage Leaves
貪新鮮嘅我,見到新嘢都好想試. 之前食過葡萄葉包飯,都幾好食.有一日去土耳其人超市, 見到原來仲有其他種類嘅包飯. 咁買咗罐椰菜包飯試吓啦, 嘩!好食過葡萄葉包飯.
I love new stuffs. Whenever I see something new, I want to try. I have tried Dolmades, vine leaves stuffed with rice. It tastes good. One day I was in a Turikish supermarket. I found that there were different kinds of these stuffed things. Then I bought a can of stuffed cabbage leaves. Wow! It tasted better than the Dolmades.
杜塞爾多夫小發現/Discovery in Düsseldorf
喺舊城區已經見到兩間齋賣薯條嘅舗頭. 齋賣薯條嘅舗頭香港都有但係冇試過
I have seen two of these shops only selling French fries. There are this kind of shop in HK now but I have never tried.
I have seen two of these shops only selling French fries. There are this kind of shop in HK now but I have never tried.
金莎Ferrero Rocher
07年返香港時帶咗盒當時新出品Ferrero Garden.
I brought one box of Ferrero Garden, a new product at that time, to HK in 2007.
I brought one box of Ferrero Garden, a new product at that time, to HK in 2007.
有冇搞錯! 點做好?
咁就喺屋企煲喺香港買返黎嘅VCD. 買VCD緊係貪佢平啲啦,仲有一個原因係奧地利嘅DVD好多時平過香港架. 都唔知點解香港DVD賣咁貴? 唔通出版商要彌補翻版嘅損失??
Ok講番煲碟,咁呢齣戲睇完disc 1換disc2, 心諗點解disc2會由頭播過嘅? 攞番隻碟出黎睇真啲,兩隻都係disc 1黎架! 有冇搞錯!
e+想換都唔知點做?包裝一早dump咗. 直接聯絡出版商有冇用呢? 香港嘅卜友知道點做唔該話聲我知. Thank you.
咁就喺屋企煲喺香港買返黎嘅VCD. 買VCD緊係貪佢平啲啦,仲有一個原因係奧地利嘅DVD好多時平過香港架. 都唔知點解香港DVD賣咁貴? 唔通出版商要彌補翻版嘅損失??
Ok講番煲碟,咁呢齣戲睇完disc 1換disc2, 心諗點解disc2會由頭播過嘅? 攞番隻碟出黎睇真啲,兩隻都係disc 1黎架! 有冇搞錯!
e+想換都唔知點做?包裝一早dump咗. 直接聯絡出版商有冇用呢? 香港嘅卜友知道點做唔該話聲我知. Thank you.
杜塞爾多夫/ Düsseldorf/ デュッセルドルフ
今次留喺科隆比平時耐,有時間去其他城市. 咁喺1月24號去咗杜塞爾多夫. 搭火車(慢車,各站停)只係一個鐘.
This time I stayed in Cologne longer than usual. Therefore I had time to visit other cities. On Jan 24 I travelled to Düsseldorf by train. It stopped at every stations and took an hour to reach there.
一出車站就行去舊城區,沿途見到好多多國食肆. 喺舊城區逗留咗幾個鐘之後就搭火車(快車,半個鐘)返科隆.
Once getting out of the station, I headed towards the old town. On the way I saw many restaurants. I spent some hours in the old town and then took the express train back to Cologne, it only took half an hour.
Town Hall
This time I stayed in Cologne longer than usual. Therefore I had time to visit other cities. On Jan 24 I travelled to Düsseldorf by train. It stopped at every stations and took an hour to reach there.
一出車站就行去舊城區,沿途見到好多多國食肆. 喺舊城區逗留咗幾個鐘之後就搭火車(快車,半個鐘)返科隆.
Once getting out of the station, I headed towards the old town. On the way I saw many restaurants. I spent some hours in the old town and then took the express train back to Cologne, it only took half an hour.
Town Hall
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