
喺Outlet買嘢/Shopping in outlet

今日冇雪落, 又有番心情行街.

Finally it stopped snowing and I had the mood to go window shopping again.

今次去離維也納半個鐘車程Parndorf Designer Outlet行行. 根據資料呢度有150.

This time I went to Parndorf Designer Outlet which was half an hour ride from Vienna.  According to the information, there are 150 shops in this outlet.

Outlet係比出面平但係同香港比較,啲嘢只係香港正價價錢. 因為有呢個諗法,我好小買到. 另一原因係冇size. 今日只係買咗排朱古力同兩支deo.

It is really cheaper to shop in outlets...but, when comparing the prices to those of HK, they are just the regular prices in HK.  As I always have this thinking, I seldom can find something to buy.  Another reason is that usually there is no size for me.  Today I only bought a bar of chocolate and two deo sprays.

如果自由blog友想黎睇睇, 其實好容易.每個禮拜五六喺維也納Opern都有shuttle呢度,來回車費5 euro. 每個鐘一班車.

If any bloggers want to go there, it is convenient.  Every Fridays and Saturdays there is shuttle bus from Opern, Vienna.  Return tickets are 5 euro and the bus leaves every hour.

for more information:  www.designeroutlet.at

1 則留言:

  1. Lai Sheung
    Feb 28, 2009 12:18 AM

    好羨慕呀!! 好浪漫好靚嘅街道 , 不過點解四野無人嘅??.....
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    噢!地利 Oh!tria
    噢!地利 Oh!tria
    Feb 28, 2009 4:26 PM
    個個都喺 舗 頭 shopping 緊嘛


    Feb 27, 2009 1:55 PM

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    噢!地利 Oh!tria
    噢!地利 Oh!tria
    Feb 28, 2009 4:29 PM
    呢度 啲 舗 頭真係 好靜


    Feb 25, 2009 6:31 AM

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    噢!地利 Oh!tria
    噢!地利 Oh!tria
    Feb 25, 2009 6:42 AM

    Swedish Hongkongese

    Swedish Hongkongese
    Feb 25, 2009 5:23 AM

    反而有D野係STHLM 既OUTLET 買會平過係香港買一截. 所以我通常要買衫褲都係OUTLET 買. 但去呢個OUTLET 就好麻煩, 要轉火車又轉巴士, 撘成個鐘車先去到!
    Reply this comment

    噢!地利 Oh!tria
    噢!地利 Oh!tria
    Feb 25, 2009 5:29 AM
    有平 嘢 買幾煩都要去


    Feb 25, 2009 2:26 AM

    個 outlet 好似兒童樂園,d 屋好靚,仲有木馬騎!
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    噢!地利 Oh!tria
    噢!地利 Oh!tria
    Feb 25, 2009 2:39 AM
    我都覺得d 屋好靚


    Feb 24, 2009 7:22 PM

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    噢!地利 Oh!tria
    噢!地利 Oh!tria
    Feb 25, 2009 12:24 AM


    Feb 24, 2009 6:41 PM

    It seems very nice, there is also one in Portugal which i believe is the biggest of Europe, but i've only been there once, the prices were not attractive at all
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    噢!地利 Oh!tria
    噢!地利 Oh!tria
    Feb 25, 2009 12:25 AM
    Things in outlet are not really very cheap.

