有利是逗? I got red packet?
緊係唔係啦! 其實噚日跟朋友去前証交所參加香港貿發局嘅新春reception. 會上有人發言,當然係介紹俾奧地利人知喺香港做生意嘅好處啦!
Of course not! Yesterday my friend brought me to the ex-stock exchange building to attend a Chinese New Year Party organised by the HK Economic and Trade Office. Some people made speeches about how good it was to do businesses in HK.
* The traditional Chinese performances and Chinese New Year party.
仲有打鼓/ drum performance
太極/ Taichi
中樂表演/ Chinese musical instrument performances
唱歌就…首先係background music傳出好共產嘅旋律,跟住成日有句’巧淵奶’(我國語唔係太好).好似睇緊央視新春文藝晚會咁. 我即刻同朋友澄清喺香港新年冇人唱呢啲歌架.
Singing was... first of all it came with a communist style melody as the background music and the singer sang something about 'bring good luck' (my Mandarin Chinese was not good). It felt like watching a Chinese New Year show on CCTV , a mainland China tv station. I had to carify to my friend that no one in HK sang this kind of song in Chinese New Year.
食物就完全失望, 完全冇香港特色(可能喺維也納真係好難搵到),所有嘢食係冷盤,又有壽司九唔搭八.定係佢想show俾人睇香港乜嘢都有得食呢?
Food was disappointing, totally not HK specialities. (maybe it was really hard to find HK things in Vienna). All were cold dishes and there were also sushi, not related to HK. I wondered if they wanted to show people could get different kind of world cuisine.
甜品同埋….邊有人咁serve生果架. 唔通要有意頭?
Dessert and... no one serve fruit like this in a buffet..
When people left, everyone got a red packet with a paper telling you how you would be in 2009 and a HK stamp.
仲有小禮物添/ also a little gift.
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回覆刪除Little Miss Sunshine
Feb 8, 2009 11:51 PM
咁 serve 生果, 真係未見過
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噢!地利 Oh!tria
噢!地利 Oh!tria
Feb 9, 2009 5:19 AM
Feb 6, 2009 12:25 AM
今年牛年仲佩帶牛吊飾, 咁咪犯曬太 歲囉
佢地係咪唱埋D中式女高音果D歌 其實佢表演舞獅好過啦!
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噢!地利 Oh!tria
噢!地利 Oh!tria
Feb 6, 2009 2:11 AM
a za a za
a za a za
Feb 5, 2009 2:58 AM
今日至喺旺角花園街見到好多呢 d 生肖吊飾賣, $10 一個, 仲有埋避太歲表教人買咩嘢生肖動物添!
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噢!地利 Oh!tria
噢!地利 Oh!tria
Feb 5, 2009 3:20 AM
鬼老冇避太歲呢 樣嘢所以全部 係牛吊飾
Feb 4, 2009 9:41 PM
Wow...are there many Hong Kongers in Austria??
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噢!地利 Oh!tria
噢!地利 Oh!tria
Feb 4, 2009 10:15 PM
Oh, you visited before the availability of the English version. No, there are not many HK people in Austria. It was a party mainly for the Austrian.
Feb 4, 2009 9:26 PM
有禮物收都幾正 咁serve生果真係唔奇, 雖然有d舊式酒樓擺酒feel, 但呢度係興, 老葡呢度食完飯真係好興serve柑... 好多人食柑架 同埋我係norway時, 去conference, break有snack, 原來係一大盤生果, 乜都有, 西瓜, 提子, 橙, 菠蘿., 蘋困.. 一大盤, 20幾30人食.... 果時都覺得怪怪地.. 但大家都係咁食...用手行埋去拎黎食....個feel好raw
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噢!地利 Oh!tria
噢!地利 Oh!tria
Feb 4, 2009 9:53 PM
好酒樓擺酒feel, buffet 唔會咁囉