
唔好PK呀!/ Don't fall!

CaCa今日決定去Salzburg。咁一早去到佢嘅酒店,好多人呀! 淡季都咁多,呢間酒店好店。
Today CaCa decided to travel to Salzburg.  Therefore I went to her hotel early in the morning.  There were many guests in low season.  This hotel made good business.
跟住CaCa一路食breakfast buffet一路同我傾。其實我都可以食埋一份,冇人理。
We talked while CaCa was having her breakfast.  In fact, I could eat together.  Nobody cared.
Then I brought her to buy the train ticket.  After seeing her off, I went window shopping.
Bon Voyage! 希望Salzburg唔係好多雪,佢唔會PK 啦。
Bon Voyage! Hope there isn't much snow in Salzburg.  Don't fall.

想睇CaCa 嘅見聞,去佢個blog啦。
If you want to know what have happened with CaCa, please visit her blog.

火車站附近嘅 Mariahilfer Straße購物街每逢12月嘅星期六(記住星期日舖頭唔開)會變成行人專區。今朝尚早,條街唔係好多人。
The shopping street, Mariahilfer Straße, which is near the train station, becomes pedestrian zone on every Saturdays in December. (Remember: Shops don't open on Sundays).  It was still early so there were not many people.

On the way home, I saw that there were a lot of people in the subway station.  Out of curiosity, I had a look. It was an annual sales from Vienna Public Transportation Company.  They sold old destination plates.  All the profits would go to charity.  It was a good activity.

補送Mariahilfer Straße嘅夜景
Mariahilfer Straße in the night.

1 則留言:

  1. Little Miss Sunshine
    Dec 21, 2008 10:51 PM

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    噢!地利 Oh!tria
    噢!地利 Oh!tria
    Dec 22, 2008 6:05 AM


    Dec 15, 2008 6:37 AM

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    Dec 14, 2008 7:13 PM

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    噢!地利 Oh!tria
    噢!地利 Oh!tria
    Dec 14, 2008 11:46 PM


    Dec 14, 2008 3:16 PM

    歐洲聖誕節, 去到邊氣氛都咁濃厚, 好靚
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    噢!地利 Oh!tria
    噢!地利 Oh!tria
    Dec 14, 2008 11:37 PM

    Yahoo! User

    Yahoo! User
    Dec 14, 2008 10:46 AM


    Wishing you have a wonderful and happiness new year 2009!
    Reply this comment

    噢!地利 Oh!tria
    噢!地利 Oh!tria
    Dec 14, 2008 11:35 PM
    Same to you

