奧地利過年有呢個小玩意Bleigießen. 首先準備一大碗水, 然後用嗰隻’羹’載住啲鉛, 再用蠟燭火煮熔 (即係好似我哋煲蠟咁). 之後1,2,3,將熔咗嘅鉛倒落啲水度. 跟住用呢啲再次凝固嘅鉛嘅形狀黎預測來年運程.
There is this thing,
Bleigießen, to play in Austrian new year. First prepare a bowl of
water. Then use the 'spoon' to hold the lead and melt the lead with
candle fire (just like we do to melt candle in mooncake festival).
1,2,3 pour the melted lead to the water. Then you can tell your
fortune by the shape of the re-solidified lead.
雖然說明書有好多唔同形狀嘅解釋, 但係呢啲凝固咗嘅鉛, 好多時好似啲新派藝術咁係睇唔明.
Eventhough there are explainations for diffferent shapes, quite often the sharp is like a modern art that you cannot understand.
Jan 7, 2011 11:58 AM
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噢!地利 Oh!tria
噢!地利 Oh!tria
Jan 8, 2011 6:04 AM
Dec 31, 2008 6:55 AM
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噢!地利 Oh!tria
噢!地利 Oh!tria
Dec 31, 2008 7:15 AM