

多謝土耳其新娘之前詳細介紹咗 土耳其春卷. 最近我終於買到喇. 覺得點原味yogurt最好食.

考考大家地理常識/Geo test

我又會失蹤喇. 今次南下,禮拜六先返. 大家睇吓我幅畫,估吓我去邊(會見到海架).
Hi! I disappear again. This time I go to the south and will be back on Saturday.  Let's look at my drawing and guess where I go.  (I can see the sea)
段時間我都會post blog. 請大家繼續黎坐坐.
During this period, I will still post some blogs.  Please come and visit.


食雪糕/ Ice cream

春回大地,雪糕屋都開番門做生意. 今日勞動完,去咗Tichy Eissalon食雪糕.

It is spring and ice-cream houses are back in business again.  After "work" today, I went to Tichy Eissalon for ice-cream.

呢間係唯一門市. This is the only retail outlet of Tichy.



今日有成19, 可以着短袖T 週圍行.咁好天,約咗朋友 中央墳場. (我係幫手清潔,除草)

It was 19C today.  I could go out with a summer T shirt.  In this nice weather, I helped my friend to clean his family's grave.

墳場實在好大.如果揸車入去要俾2.20 euro.

The cemetery is very big.  If you go in by car, you need to pay 2.20 euro.


最近見blogDaDa 整燉蛋.到又想埋一份.於是跟張家總管方法.!冇份量.





Blogger愛粉絲 is reporting the growing situation of the sakura trees in her house.  Therefore I also went to visit our sakura tree yesterday.


灣仔囍帖街/Wedding Cards Street@Wan Chai


Yesterday the weather was not stable.  It was sunny but windy.  In addition, there was occasional snow.

今日朝早出街見到有. 天氣報告話今晚會有雪落

There was still some snow on the ground when I got out in the morning.  The weather forecast says it may snow tonight.



自從開始寫blog, 我變咗留意生活唔同細節.今次我留意到

After I have started writing my blogs, I pay more attention to minor things in everyday life.  This time in Berlin, I have found these differences.

Kaiser’s間超市開12.唔知係咪德國全國分店都係咁呢? 奧地利超市通常7:30pm就閂門.影真唔方便.

This supermarket chain, Kaiser's, opens until midnight.  Are all the branches in Germany opened until midnight? In Austria, usually supermarkets close at 7:30pm.  Very inconvenient.

識英文唔係萬能/You still cannot survivor if you know English

英文係國際語言大家都知. 但係如果住喺呢度, 識英文唔係萬能.
Everybody knows that English is an international language.  But when you live here, knowing English cannot help much for you to survivor.






Improve your English

Recently in a morning TV show, they have shown this clip.  It's funny.  And it is a good reason to learn better English


瑞典ice hotel

之前睇過blog Swedish Hongkongese iris介紹瑞典ice hotel. 完覺得好吸引但係有好多question marks. ITB旅遊展突登瑞典booth吓有冇資料.

I have read the blogs of Swedish Hongkongese and iris about the ice hotel in Sweden.  It was so attractive.  But after reading it, I had so many questions.  Therefore when I was in ITB, I went to the Swedish booth to ask for information.




OK, back to Berlin.

行咗幾日旅遊展,星期六(14)再次出動去觀光.因為前幾日都喺地鐵Wilmersdorfer Straße轉巴士去展覽場.咁想行吓Wilmersdorfer Straße條街同順便去Schloss Charlottenburg影吓相.

I was in the exhibition for some days.  On Saturda, 14 Mar, I went sightseeing.  The days before I always changed for the bus to the exhibition halls in Wilmersdorfer Straße subway station.  Therefore I wanted to check out Wilmersdorfer Straße and it was also on the way to Schloss Charlottenburg.


I passed by this rare single storey house.


今日去書局例牌去文具部睇吓有乜新嘢出.見到Delay No More....咁熟口

Today I went to the book store and like always I also visited the stationery section.  'Delay No More' looked so familiar...


G.O.D. Delay No More呢句嘢發揚光大,佢仲喺銅鑼灣開咗間商場Delay No Mall(嘢好行,唔知執咗未). 記得佢哋出過仿大學T,印住調理農務字樣. 呢句諧音粗口我中學年代好流行架.
荷蘭牛仔褲---Holland Jean-->好x賤
荷蘭銀行支票---Holland Bank Cheque-->x苯x
澳門朋友---Macau Friend----->麻x煩
黎咗呢度得最快,發音最正確德文就係粗口字Scheiße (shit).


旅遊展ITB 5 (最新國家-科索沃/Kosovo-the newest country)

科索沃第一次係ITBbooth. 呢個咁國家,好小有資料. 等我同大家分享吓喺個booth攞返黎資料

旅遊展ITB 4 (冷門國家)

以為春天到咗啦,今朝就無啦啦落雪. 真係乍暖還寒.

I thought spring was here but it snowed this morning. Strange


OK let me post the rest of the photos from ITB


旅遊展ITB 3 (人物&表演/people & performances)




other booths

Madame Tussauds London

旅遊展 ITB 1


ITB is an annual travel exhibition in Berlin and was the purpose of my trip.


First, let me show you the booths from different countries/ regions.


上次柏林買咗張Legoland,蠟像館SealifeCombiTicket. 上次冇時間去晒三度,留番Sealife次先去.

Last time I bought a combi-ticket to Legoland, wax figures' and Sealife.  But I had not enought time for those 3 places so I went to Sealife this time.


I have mentioned in my previous blog that I walked to Alexanderplatz.  It was because Sealife was on the way.

Sealife好多國家都有分,呢度selling pointRadisson SAS酒店內大魚缸,要搭lift睇架.咁以為入口酒店啦,搵黎搵,原來入口喺隔離棟大廈.

There are many branches of Sealife in different countries.  The attraction in Berlin is the big aquarium in Radisson SAS Hotel.  You need to ride in the elevator.  So I thought the enterance was in the hotel and searched and searched, and found out that the enterance was in another building.


尋找Muji/ Looking for Muji

睇完圍牆跟住去Hackescer MarktMuji.一出車站已經見到喇.


After visiting the wall, I went to Hackescer Markt to look for Muji.  Once I got out of the station, I had already seen the shop.  This Muji branch in Berlin is smaller than the ones in HK.  Better than nothing.



柏林圍牆倒下二十週年/20th anniversary of the fall of Berlin Wall

上回講我由Potsdamer Platz到去Alexanderplatz. 年係柏林圍牆倒下二十週年. Potsdamer Platz睇咗個有關圖片展覽. information設計成一個看台咁. 可以行上去週圍,好似以前啲人遙望東柏林.

第四個家---柏林/My 4th home---Berlin

潛咗水一個禮拜多, 噚日返黎喇.

After disappeared for more than a week, I came back yesterday.

次去柏林搭夜車,以前覺得好正.個人可以霸三個位訓覺. 但係嗰一格計埋有三個人.其中個唔訓, 係度睇書.咁好似燈光引飛蛾咁,三更半夜引多兩條友入.可以坐六人,依家total有五個人.即係只可以坐係度訓.辛苦到死.

This time I travelled by night train.  Last few times I felt it was great travelling in the night.  I could occupy three seats and than slept.  However this time, including me, there were three people.  One of us didn't sleep but read.  Then in the middle of the night two more people came in to our compartment, just like moths flying towards light. Six people could sit in one compartment and now there were five people.  That meant I had to sit to sleep.  So uncomfortable.

頭兩日天氣唔好.冇乜點出街. 只係禮拜六晚去睇戲.間戲院多人到吖

The first two days in Berlin the weather was not nice.  I didn't really go out.  I only went to see a movie on Sat.  There were a lot of people in that cinema.


體貼服務/value added service


旅業競爭力/The Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Report 2009

旅業競爭力 星洲反超香港
【 本 報 綜 合 報 道 】 國 際 組 織 世 界 經 濟 論 壇發 表 新 一 年 旅 遊 業 競 爭 力 報 告 , 香 港 在 一 百 三 十 三 個 國 家 地 區 中 排 名 第 十 二 , 較 去 年 上 升 兩位 ; 不 過 新 加 坡 升 勢 更 勁 , 由 去 年 第 十 六 名 勁 升 六 位 至 排 第 十 , 排 名 反 超 前 香 港 。



今日特別留意下面單新聞. 因為除咗維也納係我第二個家之外,科隆可以話係我第三個家.每次去科隆都係住嗰附近. 差唔多每日都行過呢條街.太恐怖喇!

新聞最後講教堂就係我篇blog第一幅相. 第一次見到座鐘樓我以為科隆都有斜塔.


(picture from n-tv.de, news from yahoo)



Touching Someone



未返香港之前喺blog見人整馬豆糕,睇見就想食. 喺香港買過一. !到吖. 所以喺香港帶咗馬豆同大菜絲返黎諗住自己整.


禮拜日shopping/ Sunday shopping

今日禮拜但係去咗shopping. 唔好以為奧地利改咗法例可以禮拜開.其實係坐咗一個鐘車去捷克Znojmo. 呢度有一outletFreeport,啲嘢同我 之前介紹outlet差唔多但係呢度係室內同埋佢哋收Euro.


hea喺溫泉/Relax in hot spring

噚日主要目的係去Bad Loipersdorf溫泉. 其實奧地利有好多大大小小溫泉. 但係唔似日本, 佢哋會將泉水溝暖.浸溫泉其實好似去泳池咁. 泳池附近就有好多間酒店.等我介紹吓呢間泳池’.

Yesterday we went to Bad Loipersdorf mainly for the hot spring.  In fact there are many hot spring resorts in Austria.  But unlike the Japanese ones, the hot spring water was mixed with normal water to make it cooler.  Staying in the hot spring is just like swimming in a swimming pool.  There are many hotels next to the 'swimming pool'.  Let me introduce this one to you all.